The «red cooperative» Cmc under investigation for bribery in Kenya. Investigators are scrutinizing the contract signed in the days of Matteo Renzi

The «red cooperative» Cmc under investigation for bribery in Kenya. Investigators are scrutinizing the contract signed in the days of Matteo Renzi
  • The scandal breaks out in Nairobi. The investigations affect also four ministers of theGovernment of Uhuru Kenyatta. In the middle of this scandal there are three dams, for atotal value of €800 million. Two of them are built in joint venture with Itinera (Gaviogroup). The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (Dci) is examining a bank account in Westland, looking for bribes. The construction company replies to our journal: «Ourcontracting and financial procedures adhere to the highest international standards. Particularly, our loans are secured by SACE».
  • All the troubles of the cooperative that hired the brother of Maria Elena Boschi. The 1.2billion litigation with Anas, the request of an arrangement with creditors in December 2018, the Secret Service headquarters still to be completed.

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