Tutti i 136 firmatari della «Westminster Declaration»

Tutti i 136 firmatari della «Westminster Declaration»
Da sinistra Jordan Peterson, Niall Ferguson e Julian Assange

Ecco l'elenco completo dei 136 firmatari della «Westminster Declaration»:

  1. Steven Pinker, Psychologist, Harvard, US
  2. John McWhorter, Linguist, Columbia, author, US
  3. Jonathan Haidt, Social Psychologist, NYU, US
  4. Julian Assange, Editor, Founder of Wikileaks, Australia
  5. Tim Robbins, Actor, Filmmaker, US
  6. Nadine Strossen, Professor of Law, NYLS, US
  7. Glenn Loury, Economist, USA
  8. Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, Psychologist, Author, Canada
  9. Richard Dawkins, Biologist, UK
  10. Matt Taibbi, Journalist, US
  11. John Cleese, Comedian, Acrobat, UK
  12. Slavoj Žižek, Philosopher, Author, Slovenia
  13. Sunetra Gupta, Professor of Theoretical Epidemiology, Oxford, UK
  14. Martin Kulldorf, Professor of Medicine (on leave), Harvard, US
  15. Jeffrey Sachs, Columbia University, US
  16. Oliver Stone, Filmmaker, US
  17. Edward Snowden, Whistleblower, US
  18. Glenn Greenwald, Journalist, US
  19. Michael Shellenberger, Public, US
  20. Niall Ferguson, Historian, Stanford, UK
  21. Greg Lukianoff, President and CEO Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, USA
  22. Bari Weiss, Journalist, USA
  23. Matt Ridley, Journalist, Author, UK
  24. Claire Fox, Founder of the Academy of Ideas, UK
  25. Melissa Chen, Journalist, Spectator, Singapore/US
  26. Peter Hitchens, Author, Journalist, UK
  27. Yanis Varoufakis, Economist, Greece
  28. Peter Boghossian, Philosopher, Founding Faculty Fellow, University of Austin, US
  29. Michael Shermer, Science Writer, US
  30. Alan Sokal, Professor of Mathematics, UCL, UK
  31. Aaron Kheiriaty, Psychiatrist, Author, USA
  32. Chris Hedges, Journalist, Author, USA
  33. Jay Bhattacharya, Professor, Stanford, US
  34. Alex Gutentag, Journalist, US
  35. Iain McGilchrist, Psychiatrist, Philosopher
  36. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Human Rights Activist, Author, Netherlands
  37. Stella Assange, Campaigner, UK
  38. Konstantin Kisin, Author, UK
  39. Leighton Woodhouse, Public, US
  40. Lee Fang, Independent Journalist, US
  41. Izabella Kaminska, Journalist, The Blind Spot, UK
  42. Andrew Lowenthal, liber-net, Australia
  43. Kmele Foster, Journalist, Media Entrepreneur, USA
  44. Toby Young, Journalist,Free Speech Union, UK
  45. Winston Marshall, Journalist, The Spectator, UK
  46. Jacob Siegel, Tablet, US/Israel
  47. Ulrike Guerot, Founder of European Democracy Lab, Germany
  48. Aaron Mate, Journalist, USA
  49. Bret Weinstein, Evolutionary Biologist, USA
  50. Martina Pastorelli, Independent Journalist, Italy
  51. Leandro Narloch, Independent Journalist, Brazil
  52. Ana Henkel, Independent Journalist, Brazil
  53. Mia Ashton, Journalist, Canada
  54. Micha Narberhaus, The Protopia Lab, Spain/Germany
  55. Alex Sheridan, Free Speech Ireland
  56. Ben Scallan, Gript Media, Ireland
  57. Thomas Fazi, Independent Journalist, Italy
  58. Jean F. Queralt, Technologist, Founder @ The IO Foundation, Malaysia/Spain
  59. Phil Shaw, Campaigner, Operation People, New Zealand
  60. Jeremy Hildreth, Independent, UK
  61. Craig Snider, Independent, US
  62. Eve Kay, TV Producer, UK
  63. Helen Joyce, Journalist, UK
  64. Dietrich Brüggemann, Filmmaker, Germany
  65. Adam B. Coleman, Founder of Wrong Speak Publishing, US
  66. Helen Pluckrose, Author, US
  67. Michael Nayna, Filmmaker, Australia
  68. Paul Rossi, Educator, Vertex Partnership Academics, US
  69. Juan Carlos Girauta, Politician, Spain
  70. Andrew Neish, KC, UK
  71. Steven Berkoff, Actor, Playright, UK
  72. Patrick Hughes, Artist, UK
  73. Adam Creighton, Journalist, Australia
  74. Robert Cibis, Filmmaker, Germany
  75. Piers Robinson, Organization for Propaganda Studies, UK
  76. Dirk Pohlmann, Journalist, Germany
  77. Catherine Austin Fitts, The Solari Report, Netherlands
  78. Mathias Bröckers, Author, Journalist, Germany
  79. Kira Phillips, Documentary Filmmaker, UK
  80. Diane Atkinson, Historian, Biographer, UK
  81. Eric Kaufmann, Professor of Politics, Birkbeck, University of London, Canada
  82. Laura Dodsworth, Journalist and Author, UK
  83. Andrew Tettenborn, Professor of Law, Swansea University, UK
  84. Julius Grower, Fellow, St. Hugh’s College, UK
  85. Nick Dixon, Comedian, UK
  86. Dominic Frisby, Comedian, UK
  87. James Orr, Professor, University of Cambridge, UK
  88. Andrew Roberts, Historian, UK
  89. Robert Tombs, Historian, UK
  90. Ben Schwarz, Journalist, USA
  91. Xavier Azalbert, Investigative scientific journalist, France
  92. Doug Stokes, International Relations Professor, University of Exeter, UK
  93. James Allan, Professor of Law, University of Queensland, UK
  94. David McGrogan, Professor of Law, Northumbria University, UK
  95. Jacob Mchangama, Author, Denmark
  96. Nigel Biggar, Chairman, Free Speech Union, UK
  97. David Goodhart, Journalist, Author, UK
  98. Julia Hartley-Brewer, Journalist, UK
  99. Matt Goodwin, Politics Professor, University of Kent, UK
  100. Catherine Liu, Cultural theorist, Author, USA
  101. Stefan Millius, Journalist, Switzerland
  102. Philip Hamburger, Professor of Law, Columbia, USA
  103. Rueben Kirkham, Co-Director, Free Speech Union of Australia, Australia
  104. Jeffrey Tucker, Author, USA
  105. Sarah Gon, Director, Free Speech Union, South Africa
  106. Dara Macdonald, Co-Director, Free Speech Union, Australia
  107. Jonathan Ayling, Chief Executive, Free Speech Union, New Zealand
  108. Nina Power, Writer, UK
  109. David Zweig, Journalist, Author, USA
  110. Juan Soto Ivars, Author, Spain
  111. Colin Wright, Evolutionary Biologist, USA
  112. Gad Saad, Professor, Evolutionary Behavioral Scientist, Author, Canada
  113. Robert W. Malone, MD, MS, USA
  114. Jill Glasspool-Malone, PhD., USA
  115. Jordi Pigem, Philosopher, Author, Spain
  116. Holly Lawford-Smith, Associate Professor in Political Philosophy, University of Melbourne, Australia
  117. Michele Santoro, journalist, television presenter, Italy
  118. Dr. James Smith, Podcaster, Literature Scholar, RHUL, UK
  119. Nellie Bowles, Journalist, USA
  120. Francis Foster, Comedian, UK
  121. Coleman Hughes, Writer, Podcaster, USA
  122. Marco Bassani, Political Theorist, Historian, Milan University, Italy
  123. Isabella Loiodice, Professor of Comparative Public Law, University of Bari, Italy
  124. Luca Ricolfi, Professor, Sociologist, Turin University, Italy
  125. Marcello Foa, Journalist, Former president of Rai, Italy
  126. Andrea Zhok, Philosopher, University of Milan, Italy
  127. Paolo Cesaretti, Professor of Byzantine civilization, University of Bergamo, Italy
  128. Alberto Contri, Mass media expert, Italy
  129. Carlo Lottieri, Philosopher, University of Verona, Italy
  130. Alessandro Di Battista, Political activist, Writer, Italy
  131. Paola Mastrocola, Writer, Italy
  132. Carlo Freccero, Television author, Media expert, Italy
  133. Giorgio Bianchi, Independent Journalist, Italy
  134. Nello Preterossi, Professor, University of Salerno, Scientific director of the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies, Italy
  135. Efrat Fenigson, Journalist, Podcaster, Israel
  136. Eli Vieira, Journalist, Genetic biologist, Brazil
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